
Stiff Ives uses her art as a vehicle for communication, offering the viewer not only a visual expression of ideas, but a chance to connect deeper with the natural world. There are characters and themes that appear consistently in her work, igniting an interest in people to reconnect with wild life both externally and internally.
Evoking a feeling of reflective wonder in her work, Stiff strikes chords of contemplation within our hearts, asking us to consider the effects we may have on the reality beyond our selves.
Her human experience has given rise to the exploration of imagination, merging imagery from our modern reality with that of dream realms and internal veracities.
Stiff experiences the divine in all living creatures, by witnessing their genuity and integrity she has been able to cultivate these qualities herself, which is evident in her articulation as an artist. Each image is a gift of imagination, a call for compassion and an approach to healing, as Stiff Ives presents her Art and Medicine for the world.